


| Branche: | Révision:

root / class @ master

# Date Auteur Commentaire
5bfbdfb4 08/02/2015 22:35 Jocelyn Dealande

changed code so that we can concatenate one or more ref_points files to ref_points.local.php

d0ee1e7f 26/01/2015 23:48 Jocelyn Dealande

bugfixed inverted lon/lat parameters on RefPoint (+ added convenience ref_point->get_name())

7096d2f9 22/12/2014 23:43 Jocelyn Dealande

Refacto of Tiles handling and simplified a bit file naming for tiles/params.
By the way, fixes #297


To migrate data :

cd tiles
find . '*.jpg' -exec rename 's/[^\/]*_(([0-9]{3}_){2}([0-9]{3}))/$1/' {} \;...

ffebe856 08/12/2014 23:28 Jocelyn Dealande

do not display ref_points and panorama further than 25km from the current one (tunable in constant)

6dea1698 08/12/2014 22:56 Jocelyn Dealande

Use propper RefPoint::get_all() instead of requiring ref_points.local.php

9f05628b 08/12/2014 22:39 Jocelyn Dealande

moved the ref_points path to a constant.

6156a9b6 25/12/2013 16:59 Jocelyn Delande

some request input checking/sanitization

a1063f68 25/12/2013 15:51 Jocelyn Delande

The one-step upload now handles as well the tiles generation and stops on generation errors if needed

1662eb69 24/12/2013 01:20 Jocelyn Delande

fixes bug : image_loop not returned properly after being parsed from file

99204edb 24/12/2013 01:19 Jocelyn Delande

tolerate that the dir exists before tiles creation

afe20e9f 23/12/2013 23:59 Jocelyn Delande

Moved error handling and autoloading outside of the utils::init() (__autoload was not working actuallly)

2858c9fe 23/12/2013 23:14 Jocelyn Delande

allow upload with same names

ffa856dc 23/12/2013 23:09 Jocelyn Delande

added params generation to upload

137a4cfc 23/12/2013 21:57 Jocelyn Delande

does the same upload job, bet refactored the form and receive action for future

3d8d154e 23/12/2013 18:10 Jocelyn Delande

fix array format that seems not to work with some PHP versions

3a832cbc 23/12/2013 17:41 Jocelyn Delande

Added sanity checks

ea08a2a7 23/12/2013 16:48 Jocelyn Delande

adds a rm_reference.php webservice and fixed the typing from/to ini files

c5f89cd9 20/12/2013 14:16 Jocelyn Delande

webservice to reference ref_points is ready

e68abb6a 18/12/2013 14:17 Jocelyn Delande

first steps of add_reference.php webservice : input validation/sanitization and RefPoint class

e3ac9269 10/12/2013 01:07 Jocelyn Delande

modified site_point to allow empty panoramas (when just instanciated)

2b7be83a 09/12/2013 23:34 Jocelyn Delande

moved panorama generation to class : PanoramaGenerator

eb537a36 09/12/2013 11:55 Jocelyn Delande

small fixes arround site_point::get_all() usage

c4802754 08/12/2013 19:14 Jocelyn Delande

moved all_points webservice to use methods from site_point

812f173f 08/12/2013 19:14 Jocelyn Delande

make use of constants

1aebc2ec 07/12/2013 13:05 Jocelyn Delande

has_params and get_all for site_point

405ba17b 07/12/2013 13:05 Jocelyn Delande

handle a params cache

08052267 06/12/2013 15:58 Jocelyn Delande

separate function for listing available images

c0db737e 06/12/2013 15:57 Jocelyn Delande

separate function for listing available images

135e59fc 05/12/2013 18:29 Jocelyn Delande

linked the map points to panorama visualization

1c16578c 05/12/2013 18:04 Jocelyn Delande

added site_point->get_url() method

0bd646e4 24/08/2013 02:35 Victor PONGNIAN

remise en forme du travail de Victor Pongnian suit à son stage
Il reste pas mal de cosmétique à revoir mais le système devrait déjà être utilisable dans l'état.

7f9aab46 22/08/2013 17:41 Victor Pongnian

Version réaliée pour la sage de Victor Pongnian

f60262e6 29/03/2012 18:25 Marc Souviron

Première version enregistrée