made resources URLs protocol-agnostic, to avoid failure on loading HTTP resources on HTTPS web page
cannot use names with escaped chars refs #303
if the ref_point not found, shows at least an error refs #303
x,y relative positions can be negative, although its rare
Removed duplicate entry in cholet ref_points
updated churches heights near cholet
oops typo
added/enhanched ref_points near cholet
added reference points for cholet city
changed code so that we can concatenate one or more ref_points files to ref_points.local.php
fixed a bug introduced in 7096d2f and preventing propper circles displaying
again, a lat/lon inverted
bugfix when lat or lon is zero (thanks cthuluh !)
bugfix typo preventing good ref_points displaying
bugfixed inverted lon/lat parameters on RefPoint (+ added convenience ref_point->get_name())
unconfigured panoramas are viewable again
Refacto of Tiles handling and simplified a bit file naming for tiles/params.By the way, fixes #297
To migrate data :
cd tilesfind . '*.jpg' -exec rename 's/[^\/]*_(([0-9]{3}_){2}([0-9]{3}))/$1/' {} \;...
do not display ref_points and panorama further than 25km from the current one (tunable in constant)
Use propper RefPoint::get_all() instead of requiring ref_points.local.php
moved the ref_points path to a constant.
Bugfix: no ref_points was available when there was only one in ref_points.local.php
Even unconfigured panoramas can be displayed
Merge branch 'touch-events'
Marc patch to handle touch events
Merge branch 'enhance-map', was an old branch I had to rework to make it merge...
access map from index.php
simple forgotten import
Can add a panorama from the map.
now displays the circles with the same color as on the pano (sortof...)
removed old and no longer used creerPano.php
bugfix validation : a lat/lon may be negative + better error displaying
added grue titan refpoint + untabified that file
added installation notes
updated the README because ref_points are now easier to add
input validation on show_capline.php
some request input checking/sanitization
The one-step upload now handles as well the tiles generation and stops on generation errors if needed
propper typing of params
bugfix, lat and lon were inverted in upload form
fixes bug : image_loop not returned properly after being parsed from file
tolerate that the dir exists before tiles creation
can set the title of the panorama from the form
Moved error handling and autoloading outside of the utils::init() (__autoload was not working actuallly)
allow upload with same names
added params generation to upload
does the same upload job, bet refactored the form and receive action for future
fix array format that seems not to work with some PHP versions
Merge branch 'faimaison-specific' of into jocelyn-master
Merge branch 'rhizome-specific' into jocelyn-master
adds and delete ref_points from js interface
Added sanity checks
adds a rm_reference.php webservice and fixed the typing from/to ini files
webservice to reference ref_points is ready
first steps of add_reference.php webservice : input validation/sanitization and RefPoint class
modified site_point to allow empty panoramas (when just instanciated)
Moved some treatements to functions for better understanding.
moved panorama generation to class : PanoramaGenerator
unified the tab/spaces mix to spaces
and even better with php tags
better with a comma
added first set of points for Nantes
small fixes arround site_point::get_all() usage
moved all_points webservice to use methods from site_point
make use of constants
has_params and get_all for site_point
handle a params cache
separate function for listing available images
linked the map points to panorama visualization
added site_point->get_url() method
Can now Load the pano.js in the view_cap.php
Added a display of all the ref_points on the map.
added known limitations
moved forms to separate files to put panorama.php to diet and make it more readable
removed call to non-existent function
Little secrets about the "show cap" map view
whitespaces + moved the loading to the HTML file
added further documentation
added altitudes of buildings (estimated to ref_points)
added reference points for Rhizome/Compiègne
Fixed ref_points dialog (I broke it...)
- Moved ref_points.php to something less toulouse-specific ;-)by default : no ref points, but the ability to define its own listor to use one of the files from ref_points folder.- Fixed the UI if the ref_points list is empty.
added a README
create pano dir if non-existant
Added gitignore to ignore data dirs and backup files
create upload dir if non-existant
Amélioration du style de la page de tracé de capinsertion de la distance du curseur au point de référence cur cette même page.
correction de bug relatif è la visualisation d'un axe sur OSM
Amélioration du système de navigation assisté par OSM ou googleCorrection d'un bug de non-linéarité sur les panoramas rebouclés (360°)simplification du style
amélioration mineure
permet la visualisation d'axes horizontaux via OSM
Amélioration du style et apports de nouveaux points de référence.
correction d'un bug sur les panoramas non bouclés : le dernier point était mal positionné en Y.
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