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root / class / RefPoint.class.php @ ffebe856

# Date Auteur Commentaire
ffebe856 08/12/2014 23:28 Jocelyn Dealande

do not display ref_points and panorama further than 25km from the current one (tunable in constant)

6dea1698 08/12/2014 22:56 Jocelyn Dealande

Use propper RefPoint::get_all() instead of requiring ref_points.local.php

9f05628b 08/12/2014 22:39 Jocelyn Dealande

moved the ref_points path to a constant.

c5f89cd9 20/12/2013 14:16 Jocelyn Delande

webservice to reference ref_points is ready

e68abb6a 18/12/2013 14:17 Jocelyn Delande

first steps of add_reference.php webservice : input validation/sanitization and RefPoint class