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root / class / utils.class.php @ a1063f68

# Date Author Comment
a1063f68 12/25/2013 03:51 PM Jocelyn Delande

The one-step upload now handles as well the tiles generation and stops on generation errors if needed

afe20e9f 12/23/2013 11:59 PM Jocelyn Delande

Moved error handling and autoloading outside of the utils::init() (__autoload was not working actuallly)

2858c9fe 12/23/2013 11:14 PM Jocelyn Delande

allow upload with same names

ea08a2a7 12/23/2013 04:48 PM Jocelyn Delande

adds a rm_reference.php webservice and fixed the typing from/to ini files

2b7be83a 12/09/2013 11:34 PM Jocelyn Delande

moved panorama generation to class : PanoramaGenerator

08052267 12/06/2013 03:58 PM Jocelyn Delande

separate function for listing available images

c0db737e 12/06/2013 03:57 PM Jocelyn Delande

separate function for listing available images

0bd646e4 08/24/2013 02:35 AM Victor PONGNIAN

remise en forme du travail de Victor Pongnian suit à son stage
Il reste pas mal de cosmétique à revoir mais le système devrait déjà être utilisable dans l'état.