


| Branch: | Revision:

root / class @ 5bfbdfb4

Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
FormValidator.class.php 3.2 KB 6156a9b6 about 11 years Jocelyn Delande some request input checking/sanitization
GeoPoint.class.php 1.28 KB ffebe856 about 10 years Jocelyn Dealande do not display ref_points and panorama further ...
RefPoint.class.php 1.35 KB 5bfbdfb4 about 10 years Jocelyn Dealande changed code so that we can concatenate one or ...
Tile.class.php 906 Bytes 7096d2f9 about 10 years Jocelyn Dealande Refacto of Tiles handling and simplified a bit ...
TilesGenerator.php 2.08 KB 7096d2f9 about 10 years Jocelyn Dealande Refacto of Tiles handling and simplified a bit ...
index.php 1.28 KB 0bd646e4 over 11 years Victor PONGNIAN remise en forme du travail de Victor Pongnian s...
site_point.class.php 9.53 KB 7096d2f9 about 10 years Jocelyn Dealande Refacto of Tiles handling and simplified a bit ...
sites_dir.class.php 497 Bytes 0bd646e4 over 11 years Victor PONGNIAN remise en forme du travail de Victor Pongnian s...
utils.class.php 2.37 KB ffebe856 about 10 years Jocelyn Dealande do not display ref_points and panorama further ...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
5bfbdfb4 02/08/2015 10:35 PM Jocelyn Dealande

changed code so that we can concatenate one or more ref_points files to ref_points.local.php

d0ee1e7f 01/26/2015 11:48 PM Jocelyn Dealande

bugfixed inverted lon/lat parameters on RefPoint (+ added convenience ref_point->get_name())

7096d2f9 12/22/2014 11:43 PM Jocelyn Dealande

Refacto of Tiles handling and simplified a bit file naming for tiles/params.
By the way, fixes #297


To migrate data :

cd tiles
find . '*.jpg' -exec rename 's/[^\/]*_(([0-9]{3}_){2}([0-9]{3}))/$1/' {} \;...

ffebe856 12/08/2014 11:28 PM Jocelyn Dealande

do not display ref_points and panorama further than 25km from the current one (tunable in constant)

6dea1698 12/08/2014 10:56 PM Jocelyn Dealande

Use propper RefPoint::get_all() instead of requiring ref_points.local.php

9f05628b 12/08/2014 10:39 PM Jocelyn Dealande

moved the ref_points path to a constant.

6156a9b6 12/25/2013 04:59 PM Jocelyn Delande

some request input checking/sanitization

a1063f68 12/25/2013 03:51 PM Jocelyn Delande

The one-step upload now handles as well the tiles generation and stops on generation errors if needed

1662eb69 12/24/2013 01:20 AM Jocelyn Delande

fixes bug : image_loop not returned properly after being parsed from file

99204edb 12/24/2013 01:19 AM Jocelyn Delande

tolerate that the dir exists before tiles creation

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