


| Branch: | Revision:

root / js @ afe20e9f

Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
hide_n_showForm.js 966 Bytes 0bd646e4 over 11 years Victor PONGNIAN remise en forme du travail de Victor Pongnian s...
pano.js 31.2 KB bc28d3dc about 11 years Jocelyn Delande adds and delete ref_points from js interface
utils_osm.js 12.7 KB a3184cec about 11 years Jocelyn Delande PREFIXXX

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
a3184cec 12/23/2013 08:29 PM Jocelyn Delande


bc28d3dc 12/23/2013 05:41 PM Jocelyn Delande

adds and delete ref_points from js interface

135e59fc 12/05/2013 06:29 PM Jocelyn Delande

linked the map points to panorama visualization

034df12a 12/05/2013 05:41 PM Jocelyn Delande


598caaec 12/01/2013 06:18 PM Jocelyn Delande

now displays the circles with the same color as on the pano (sortof...)

af81ae55 12/01/2013 05:36 PM Jocelyn Delande

Can now Load the pano.js in the view_cap.php

5c5b7504 12/01/2013 01:31 AM Jocelyn Delande

Added a display of all the ref_points on the map.

ef05758b 11/24/2013 05:34 PM Jocelyn Delande

whitespaces + moved the loading to the HTML file

1b9439c2 11/17/2013 10:47 PM Jocelyn Delande

Fixed ref_points dialog (I broke it...)

fe3e0cdf 11/17/2013 07:31 PM Jocelyn Delande

- Moved ref_points.php to something less toulouse-specific ;-)
by default : no ref points, but the ability to define its own list
or to use one of the files from ref_points folder.
- Fixed the UI if the ref_points list is empty.

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