


| Branch: | Revision:

root @ fe3e0cdf

Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  class 0bd646e4 over 11 years Victor PONGNIAN remise en forme du travail de Victor Pongnian s...
  css 73fd5477 over 11 years Marc Souviron Amélioration du style de la page de tracé de ca...
  images f524783f over 11 years Marc Souviron permet la visualisation d'axes horizontaux via OSM
  js fe3e0cdf over 11 years Jocelyn Delande - Moved ref_points.php to something less toulou...
  ref_points fe3e0cdf over 11 years Jocelyn Delande - Moved ref_points.php to something less toulou...
  to_tiles 0bd646e4 over 11 years Victor PONGNIAN remise en forme du travail de Victor Pongnian s...
.gitignore 38 Bytes fe3e0cdf over 11 years Jocelyn Delande - Moved ref_points.php to something less toulou...
.htaccess 115 Bytes 0bd646e4 over 11 years Victor PONGNIAN remise en forme du travail de Victor Pongnian s... 1.74 KB fe3e0cdf over 11 years Jocelyn Delande - Moved ref_points.php to something less toulou...
addParams.php 3.75 KB ed5e83c5 over 11 years Marc Souviron Amélioration du système de navigation assisté p...
creerPano.php 1.93 KB ed5e83c5 over 11 years Marc Souviron Amélioration du système de navigation assisté p...
envoyer.php 1.52 KB ed5e83c5 over 11 years Marc Souviron Amélioration du système de navigation assisté p...
genererPano.php 2.22 KB 52a31985 over 11 years Jocelyn Delande create pano dir if non-existant
index.php 1.97 KB ed5e83c5 over 11 years Marc Souviron Amélioration du système de navigation assisté p...
panorama.php 9.1 KB fe3e0cdf over 11 years Jocelyn Delande - Moved ref_points.php to something less toulou...
show_capline.php 2.65 KB 73fd5477 over 11 years Marc Souviron Amélioration du style de la page de tracé de ca...
uploadReceive.php 1.21 KB b5af2606 over 11 years Jocelyn Delande create upload dir if non-existant

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
fe3e0cdf 11/17/2013 07:31 PM Jocelyn Delande

- Moved ref_points.php to something less toulouse-specific ;-)
by default : no ref points, but the ability to define its own list
or to use one of the files from ref_points folder.
- Fixed the UI if the ref_points list is empty.

2e2ebcb8 11/17/2013 03:15 PM Jocelyn Delande

added a README

52a31985 09/26/2013 06:38 PM Jocelyn Delande

create pano dir if non-existant

4315dfc1 09/26/2013 06:33 PM Jocelyn Delande

Added gitignore to ignore data dirs and backup files

b5af2606 09/26/2013 06:31 PM Jocelyn Delande

create upload dir if non-existant

73fd5477 09/01/2013 11:07 PM Marc Souviron

Amélioration du style de la page de tracé de cap
insertion de la distance du curseur au point de référence cur cette même page.

a9953a70 08/29/2013 01:38 AM Marc Souviron

correction de bug relatif è la visualisation d'un axe sur OSM

ed5e83c5 08/27/2013 01:51 AM Marc Souviron

Amélioration du système de navigation assisté par OSM ou google
Correction d'un bug de non-linéarité sur les panoramas rebouclés (360°)
simplification du style

72ecbd21 08/26/2013 12:11 AM Marc Souviron

amélioration mineure

f524783f 08/25/2013 11:39 PM Marc Souviron

permet la visualisation d'axes horizontaux via OSM

View all revisions | View revisions



Visualize a collection of panoramic photos.

Panorama-ttnn allows you to upload/share/visualize panoramic photos. It has been created for evaluating lines-of-sight for radio networks, like the one of


  • Upload panoramas to web server (i.e: made with Hugin);
  • visualize, pan and zoom panoramas, as if you were on site;
  • georeference panoramas : set GPS coordinates and elevation by hand and set orientation by pointing at known points;
  • visualize a point by lat/lon/elevation on your panorama ;
  • see other panoramas locations to evaluate the lines-of-sight;
  • view on map for a given LOS between two points/panoramas.

Setting up reference points

Reference points are known points you are likely to see from your panoramas, they are a visual reference and a way to orientate your panoramas.

By default, there are no ref_points, you can create your own ref_points list or use one of the provided lists.

To get started, copy one of the files from ref_points folder in the root folder, remane it to ref_points.local.php and customize it.

Panorama view

This is the main view, you can pan and scroll a panorama.

From this view you can use the Reference points menu. The reference points menu allows you to set the orientation of your panorama by pointing at a known location you visualize on the panorama.

Mouse interaction for panorama view

  • drag image to move
  • right-click to pop the Reference points menu

Keyboard shortcuts for panorama view

  • Pgup/Pgdown: zoom in/out
  • ///: pan the image
  • Home/End: turn backwards (180°)

Also available in: Atom